Thursday, February 14, 2019

Burnout Rate For Physicians

In 2013, the first year of the “medscape lifestyle report,” emergency medicine had the highest rates of burnout at just over 50 percent. that specialty, in 2017, is now close to 60 percent. meanwhile, on the severity scale urology landed in the uncoveted top spot with a 4.6 rating. that compares with a 4.2 burnout severity rating for emergency medicine.. An editorial published in the journal of general internal medicine reported burnout rates ranging from 30% to 65% across specialties, with the highest rates incurred by physicians at the front. More female family physicians (56%) than male family physicians (47%) reported burnout in the 2015 survey. burnout status among family physicians may be linked to financial assets..

(total) burnout tuesday | akosmed

(total) burnout tuesday | akosmed

Continued. more female family doctors (56%) than male family physicians (47%) reported feeling worn-out in the 2015 survey. burnout status among family doctors might be linked to finances.. A national survey of 7,288 physicians (26.7 percent participation rate) finds that 45.8 percent of physicians reported at least one symptom of burnout, according to a report published online first. The first round in 2011 was major news across the country and the first study that compared physician burnout rates to those of non-physician workers. a link to the original article and full.

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