Take the quiz and find out which character you are from treyarch's lastest call of duty game.. Trivia quiz - "call of duty: black ops 2" multiplayer maps category: call of duty: black ops 2 quiz #358,815. 10 questions, rated average. by cooolhandluke. in this quiz you will have to figure out the maps from the descriptions. this excludes all dlc maps. this game is for the xbox 360.. Browse through and take call duty black ops quizzes . sign up log in. home stories quizzes create profile settings go to page. see if you can name these pack-a-punched weapons from all of the black ops 2 zombies maps and dlcs! this quiz is for mw2, black ops, mw3, black ops 2, and ghost. add to library 6 discussion 24 browse more video.
Black ops 2 quiz. you know what call of duty is? black ops 2? i sure do i know everything about it you kill people its violent so only for adults so if your a child don't get it!. [ report this test] ultimate call of duty: black ops 2 quiz. a quiz that mentions the majority of call of duty: black ops 2. and that's it.. Your account isn't verified! in order to create a playlist on sporcle, you need to verify the email address you used during registration. go to your sporcle settings to finish the process..