Saturday, December 30, 2017

Remotely enable RDP

Remotely enable RDP

This morning I was stuck in what seemed to be a precarious catch22. I needed to make a remote desktop connection to a computer, but RDP was disabled. My first search of the web turned up a remote registry solution. Unfortunately remote administration of the registry was disabled by policy. Luckily it is possible to remotely enable "terminal services" without remote registry hacking as I learned in this blog post. Youll need a copy of psexec which you can download here, and you need to be logged in with an account which has local admin (at least) on the target. Then run the following command:

psexec machinename reg add "hklmsystemcurrentcontrolsetcontrol erminal server" /f /v fDenyTSConnections /t REG_DWORD /d 0

Then fire up mstsc and youre in.

visit link download