Call of duty: black ops 2 - all ending possibilities (perfect ending, kill menendez, spare menendez, woods lives, woods dies) - duration: 19:48. wikigameguides 2,748,975 views 19:48. Pick a load out with a sniper rifle and when you drop down to the ground, use the sniper rifle to pick off enemies you can see in the distance. pop 10 of them to complete the challenge. 5. melee camouflaged enemy personnel (x3). Call of duty: black ops 2 campaign challenges guide nicholas tan friday, november 16, 2012 the campaign has 11 missions, each of which have about ten challenges that can be completed..
Black ops 2 campaign challenges offers a great single-player campaign full of challenges for you to complete. in total, there are 160 challenges split across the 16 different missions for the single player campaign only. each mission consists of ten challenges, which you can accomplish across multiple playthroughs of the game.. Mission 03 - old wounds mission 04 - time and fate mission 05 - fallen angel mission 06 - karma mission 07 - suffer with me mission 08 - achilles' veil mission 09 - odysseus mission 09 - odysseus (bridge) mission 10 - cordis die mission 11 - judgment day endings - conditions endings - menendez alive endings - menendez dead. This page will tell you where you can find all of the intel in call of duty black ops 2 every piece of intel in the campaign judgment day - intel 2 challenges. league play. emblems.